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Meet the rabbit that turned into Bart Simpson | Media | The Guardian
Brooks ' office. Groening had been called to pitch a series of shorts based on his comic strip, Life in Hell , but instead decided to create a new set of characters. While the rest of the characters were named after Groening's family members, Bart's name is an anagram of the word brat. After appearing on The Tracey Ullman Show for two years, the Simpson family received its own series on Fox , which debuted December 17, At ten years old, Bart is the eldest child and only son of Homer and Marge , and the brother of Lisa and Maggie.

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As a forlorn one-eared rabbit chalks a ridiculous, repetitive pledge during school detention, there is something familiar about him. Indeed, future cultural historians may regard him as the evolutionary ancestor of one of the greatest TV series ever made. The resemblance to the opening title sequence of The Simpsons, in which Bart performs an identical routine, is no coincidence. Both are the creation of Matt Groening , former rock journalist now hailed as a comic genius. Groening began drawing the Life is Hell strip about Binky, an angst-ridden bunny, in the late s, describing his main themes as 'stuff that keeps people awake at night - love, work, sex, death'.

Pflasterarbeiten — Granitsteine — Maurerarbeiten. A prototype of the squeaky- and baby-voiced cartoon queen Betty Boop voiced for most of the 30s by Mae Questel was introduced in a Fleischer Brothers' Bimbo Talkartoon entitled Dizzy Dishes - with her appearing as a long-eared puppy dog!. Note: If the list of available text-to-speech voices is small, or all the voices sound the same, then you may need to install text-to-speech voices on your device. Within the context of the strip and the larger series that grew out of it, Archie is a typical teenage boy, attending high school, participating in sports, and dating. Pflasterarbeiten - Granitsteine - Maurerarbeiten.