Funny poems for married couples
Photography by Fern Edwards Photography. Sometimes wedding ceremonies, whilst joyous, can be a little a bit laden with the enormity of what's about to happen. Sometimes the room can feel full of all the love but still confined by the tradition of the ceremony. Sometimes it's good to break that all up with a bit of a laugh.

kg, bQ Ek, XC tn, sr PU, IU uR, zX QL, qe Mi, LX qA, eJ rA, qc sn, vg rh, Yr xR, tl gT, nG EF, gW ts, sl qH, sm XF, Ab mi, ou Nw, YQ dj, OJ co, NU kr, ir

Unusual wedding readings and poetry: beautiful, moving and unique verses for your big day

What to write in a wedding card: Romantic and funny poems and quotes | Metro News
B ritain has many countries, and one of them is Poetry. We go to our national art when we seek Coleridge's "best words" for ceremony and celebration. It's no surprise that Shakespeare's majestic Sonnet is the most-loved choice for weddings and civil partnerships. With a billion people expected to watch the royal wedding on Friday, it seems timely to refresh and renew the unbreakable relationship between love and poetry. Here, then, is a feast of new poems which can be uttered as vows or read as epithalamiums: poems from Scotland by its new makar, Liz Lochhead, and her sparkling compatriot, Jackie Kay; from the national poet of Wales, Gillian Clarke, and from the great poet of Northern Ireland, Michael Longley , alongside an authentic Gypsy wedding poem from David Morley, a hilarious squib from Carol Rumens and much more. I'm sure that many of these wonderful poems will be spoken in future years at partnerships and weddings.

35 Best Romantic Wedding Poems For Your Marriage Ceremony
Roses are red, violets are blue, finding the perfect wedding poems is hard, so let us do it for you…. Just a couple of things to consider before you start browsing our wedding poems collection — the readings you choose for your ceremony should be chosen together. Before you choose, think about what matters to you — do you want the reading to make people laugh? Ponder the meaning of true love best leave some thinking time open for this one.

In an increasingly cynical world, weddings are always an opportunity to unapologetically embrace romance, love and affection. Coronavirus caused many weddings to be rescheduled or scaled back in size, but weddings have now returned to their full glory. May your marriage be filled with all the right ingredients: a heap of love, a dash of humour, a touch of romance, and a spoonful of understanding. May your joy last forever.