Shaved crotch pictures
Pubic hair styles—and how we deal with them—have changed radically over the years. From rocking a full bush to trying a bare Brazilian, we have pretty much tried it all. In fact, 84 percent of women style their pubic hair, according to one study in JAMA Dermatology —and most do it themselves at home. When you're DIY-ing your hair removal, one of the easiest ways is to shave your pubic area. But of course, with shaving pubic hair comes the risk of cutting yourself, ingrown hairs, razor burn, and more—on one of the most sensitive parts of the body.

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Female shaved crotch pictures

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Skip navigation! Story from Wellness. It had its heyday in the '60s and '70s, but natural female pubic hair has since fallen out of favor. So much so that, apparently, there are now sexually-active hetero men who say they've never seen it. To celebrate the neglected bush, artist Marilyn Minter spent six months photographing it, asking "all kinds of women, [with] different hair colours, different textures, different skin colours" to grow out their natural hair down there and bare it for her camera. The photographs Minter took are collected in her first book, Plush. I suspect the no-fur trend might be a fashion, so I wanted to remind younger generations that fashion is fleeting, but laser is forever.

All About That Bush: 18 Photos Prove Natural Is Beautiful (NSFW)
These days, the vast majority of women in porn have smooth-shaven vulvas, or close to it. What's shaved always looks very smooth. Silky smooth. Baby smooth.

Imagine if Mona Lisa was painted with a mustache. Imagine if when Pamela Anderson bounced down the beach in slow motion on Baywatch , you could see a few stray pubes. It'd be weird, right? Had these women had body hair , the pictures would have taken on an entirely different meaning. It would have been about them not abiding by whatever body hair rules were in place at the time.