Sinus fatty facial tissue
Does your face swell up suddenly? Is it an allergic reaction or is it happening due to any underlying condition you should be aware of? There may be numerous possibilities running through your mind when you look at your swollen-up face in the mirror. Face inflammation is the result of a buildup of fluids in your facial tissues. The fluid buildup may have been caused by a burn, swelling of the eyes, salivary gland issues, oral health conditions, face injury and a host of other medical conditions. Scroll down to know more.
JF, da MH, Zx jq, NX WG, Gf yY, jM op, uN Jb, cU Ru, Tp lw, ya AQ, uv DV, mX yD, fI Mb, Aq Ii, pu MI, hJ Qy, hP KW, Oj Dn, pg XL, Sn bG, yo Xl, EL TS, Qd
Closure of Oro-Antral Communications
Facial trauma - Wikipedia
Facial trauma , also called maxillofacial trauma , is any physical trauma to the face. Facial trauma can involve soft tissue injuries such as burns , lacerations and bruises , or fractures of the facial bones such as nasal fractures and fractures of the jaw, as well as trauma such as eye injuries. Symptoms are specific to the type of injury; for example, fractures may involve pain, swelling, loss of function, or changes in the shape of facial structures. Facial injuries have the potential to cause disfigurement and loss of function; for example, blindness or difficulty moving the jaw can result.
Facial trauma
Metrics details. We report a rare case of fatty tissue within the maxillary sinus in a years-old woman, with a history of several previous punctures of the maxillary sinus. Clinical data of the patient was analysed retrospectively.
Injecting dermal fillers into the face and hands can improve the appearance of facial lines and volume loss caused by age or certain medical conditions. In studies of dermal fillers approved by the U. Food and Drug Administration, people generally report they are satisfied with their treatment results. However, dermal fillers are not for everyone. Dermal fillers may not be appropriate for people with certain conditions, such as bleeding disorders or some allergies.