Old Guard is a term for a group within the BDSM community which operates under strict military-style protocols. Leather continued to be worn throughout the history of the old guard. The group was very secretive, as it arose at a time when anything concerning homosexuality or BDSM was considered taboo. They had a very clear and formal hierarchy of service and experience within their practice.
A Modern Application Of Old Guard Philosophy: missyinchains
Baldwin has ever authorized. It appeared in Issue 20 of International Leatherman now extinct in October, Even more interesting to me is the fact that, except for rank novices, almost everyone seems ready to offer comment on it. When I occasionally turn up at leather events, I am quizzed endlessly and carefully about it. Perhaps the reason it remains a topic of interest is that attempts to describe it as a rigid and dead thing rather than an evolving, living cultural entity will always be doomed to failure.
The Old Guard History, Kink, Protocol, and BDSM-S01E42
This article is not meant to be a comprehensive history. While you can read it by itself, it written to supplement the material already freely available and widely distributed on-line — specifically the following:. Super heroine Wonder Woman was created in by Dr. William Moulton Marston under the pen name of Charles Moulton.
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