Beginning piano books for young teens

Just before Christmas someone in my village asked me if I would consider teaching her teenage son. There are several method books out there that have a structured and sequential approach to them and that, for method books, work well. Yet as we know all method books have their limitations and all need supplementing in one way or another — so here are some thoughts from The Community on how you can add to method books or ditch them completely! Helen R.
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Method book for beginning teenager - Piano World Piano & Digital Piano Forums

Teenagers are a fun group to teach, and the musical possibilities are endless! They are at a point in life when individual tastes in music form, and they definitely keep me on my toes with knowing the new, cool bands and artists. Every student age, from young beginners to the group , has its own unique methodology for a teacher to craft. Here are my top music material picks for teenage students:. Whether coolness is classical repertoire, jazz, or pop is for the teacher to assess with each student, but whatever the interest is, as teachers, we can always find creative way to give great, well-rounded lessons. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content Teenagers are a fun group to teach, and the musical possibilities are endless!
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More Rock Repertoire For Your Beginning Teen Piano Students

I started learning the piano at age Which is kind of late musically speaking. The fact is the earlier in life you start piano lessons the better. But not everyone has the opportunity to begin lessons as a preschooler.
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Want to learn how to play the piano? With the right tools and a little focus, you can quickly become proficient in basic piano techniques. Second, a set of quality piano books for beginners.
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