16-year-old charged with murder in shooting death of classmate at North Carolina high school
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Bullying sparked fatal shooting at NC high school, police say
CNN The attorney for the family of a man shot in the back and killed by police in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is calling for an independent investigation into the shooting. Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. Find out what's happening in the world as it unfolds. More Videos
Bullying and a fight over the weekend led to a high school student in Matthews, North Carolina, shooting and killing his classmate in the hallway Monday morning before classes, police said. The shooter, year-old Jatwan Cuffie, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder after he allegedly opened fire on Bobby McKeithen, also Matthews Police Chief Clark Pennington said Cuffie is being charged as an adult, and is currently being held without bond. McKeithen was rushed to the hospital where he died from his injuries, the Matthews Police Department said.