For boys and girls, day-to-day experiences and future aspirations vary in key ways. Concern about mental health cuts across gender, racial and socio-economic lines, with roughly equal shares of teens across demographic groups saying it is a significant issue in their community. Fewer teens, though still substantial shares, voice concern over bullying, drug addiction and alcohol consumption. More than four-in-ten say these are major problems affecting people their age in the area where they live, according to a Pew Research Center survey of U.
10 Facts Every Parent Should Know about Their Teen's Brain
Teens, Social Media & Technology | Pew Research Center
Teens and young adults are more inclined than adults to take risks, including smoking, drinking or using other drugs. Use of any addictive substance while the brain is still developing increases the chances of future use of that and other addictive substances. Certain symptoms and behaviors are warning signs for substance use in teens, although they may also indicate other problems, such as depression. Warning signs can include:. Source : American Academy of Pediatrics. Family Day celebrates simple, everyday things parents do to connect with their kids.
What's This About? Youth Statistics. For additional resources, visit Toolkit: Teens and Media. Computer access varies by family income and education level. Teen girls age typically send and receive 40 texts each day, while boys are half as prolific [ 2 ].
The research also disclosed some worrying facts about the lengths young girls would go to in their quest for the body beautiful. The survey also comes at a time when increasing concerns about an epidemic of childhood obesity continue to dominate the headlines. Helen Johnston, editor of BLISS Magazine, said: "Female body image obsession has grown year on year since the 60s and it's now reached epidemic proportions, filtering down to young girls. Now many girls of 13 and 14 are dieting constantly at an age when their bodies are still developing. No comments have so far been submitted.