Teens pay for sex

The State of Mississippi holds the dubious distinction of having the highest rate of teenage births in the United States 55 per 1, births compared to a national average of 34 per 1, Its most recent effort to curb these numbers is a controversial bill that requires the collection of umbilical cord blood for paternity testing in situations legislators say show red flags for abuse. This is supposed to discourage men from getting teen girls pregnant in the first place. That rate is especially sobering given that many of these teenagers are having sex with adults. And one in ten Malawian adults is HIV positive. In this study, conditional cash transfers successfully reduced sexual activity amongst teenagers.
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Whether parents want to admit is or not, at some point, their teens will start to talk about sex as well as engage in it. Do you know what to do when it's time to talk about sex with your teen? Research suggests that teens are becoming aware of sex and participating in it at much younger ages:.
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