Aqua Teen Hunger Force also known by various alternative titles is an American adult animated sitcom that aired on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. The show is about the surreal adventures and antics of three anthropomorphic fast food items: Master Shake , Frylock , and Meatwad , who live together as roommates in a neighborhood in the suburbs next door to a human named Carl Brutananadilewski. An early version of the pilot episode originally aired months prior to the launch of Adult Swim on Cartoon Network unannounced on December 30, It later made its debut on Adult Swim on September 9, and ended on August 30, , with a total of episodes, over the course of eleven seasons. An episode titled "Boston" was scheduled to air during the fifth season, but was pulled to avoid further controversy surrounding the Boston Mooninite panic , and has never aired or formally released to the public legally in any format.
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Aqua Teen Hunger Force S01E01 Rabbot
Aqua Teen Hunger Force S02E02 Super Hero - video dailymotion
This is a season of mysteries, neighborhood conflicts, aliens, mad scientists, rabbits, robots, rabbit robots, robot rabbits, perms, cologne, heavy metal, haunted school buses, giant moths, mold with a generous heart, Dracula, road trips, removable brains, and, of course, leprechauns. And that's only the beginning. View in iTunes. Description This is a season of mysteries, neighborhood conflicts, aliens, mad scientists, rabbits, robots, rabbit robots, robot rabbits, perms, cologne, heavy metal, haunted school buses, giant moths, mold with a generous heart, Dracula, road trips, removable brains, and, of course, leprechauns. More Seasons in Series See All.
Watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force Online: Stream Full Episodes
This animated comedy series follows the adventures of an animated fast-food meal consisting of a hamburger patty, a milkshake and an order of french fries. The trio live together and engage in weird hijinks with each other and their human neighbor. They also sometimes fight evil. The series aired on the Cartoon Network from to
Sign in. Frylock creates a genetically mutated dog for Meatwad named Handbanana, who soon begins to periodically rape Carl. Mean It.