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Oral sex performed

Whether you love it or hate it, you almost definitely have an opinion about oral sex, especially when it comes to performing oral sex. Sometimes you're into it, sometimes you're not, sometimes it's all about just focusing on trying not to gag if your partner has a penis, and sometimes you just give oral just so you can get some oral of your own in return. Like any other sex act out there, how women feel about giving blow jobs or cunnilingus can often depend on mood. Societal viewpoints on oral sex have shifted over time, too. In The Janus Report on Sexual Behavior in , which was the first major sex study since Masters and Johnson in the '60s — just 18 percent of women surveyed preferred oral sex when it came to reaching an orgasm.
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Is it really give and take? New research examines how young people talk about oral sex | LSHTM

Gender inequalities persist in the experiences and expectations of oral sex among young men and women, but are often glossed over by young people, according to a study in the Journal of Sex Research. For this part of the study, they interviewed 71 men and women aged 16 to 18 in England, and conducted follow-up interviews a year later. The study focused on accounts of oral sex between men and women, rather than same-sex partners. The researchers found that despite often talking about an ethic of equal give-and-take in oral sex, most interviewees described performing oral sex on women as a "bigger deal" than oral sex on men.
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7 Easy Steps to Giving the Best Oral Sex of Her Life

Oral sex is one of the most widely discussed yet still often taboo topics when it comes to sexual activities. This post reveals data on how Americans feel about it, as well as other details that will help people understand oral sex better. Oral sex is linked to throat cancer.
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At a certain point in their sex lives, many straight men have a critical realization: Vaginas aren't gross. Neither is cunnilingus. In fact, contrary to stereotypes that most straight men hate going down on ladies, for many men giving oral sex is just as good as getting it. According to data from the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior , a majority of millennial men reported having performed oral sex on their female partners in the past year — and it wasn't just for reciprocity's sake. Debby Herbenick, one of the survey's researchers and an associate professor at Indiana University, told Mic that "the vast majority" of young men enjoy cunnilingus quite a lot.
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From: Reghan(32 videos) Added: 17.07.2022 Views: 567
Category: Amateur

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