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Last Updated: August 10, References Approved. This article was co-authored by Marissa Floro, PhD. Marissa Floro, Ph. Floro received her Ph. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed , times.

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The Taboo of the ‘Devil’s Threesome’

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Despite a third of millennials identifying as neither gay nor straight, bisexual men and women are significantly less likely to be out to their family, friends, and colleagues than their gay and lesbian peers. Many folks believe negative stereotypes about bi men: they're incapable of being monogamous, more likely to cheat, actually "just gay," or more likely to spread STIs. Bi men face what's often referred to as double discrimination , not feeling accepted by either straight or gay communities. So when bi men do come out, why do they do it? What encourages these men to tell their family and friends about their sexual orientation? We spoke to 9 bi men to find out.

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I then made the joke that my other friend and I could show her. These are cute ideas, but a much simpler explanation considers the fact that potential male-male sexual contact is anathema to heteronormativity. Thou shalt not let balls touch , so the commandment goes, lest thou fall from the grace of heterosexuality. Whereas performances of lesbian sexuality can be marshaled for the enjoyment of hetero guys, gay male sex offers no such pleasure.

In fact, not only is it entirely possible to explore your sexual identity while you're in a relationship—it's actually recommended. By suppressing this type of soul-searching necessary to feel self-actualized, you run the risk of not being able to be your fullest, most honest self within any relationship you have. And that's a losing situation for you and any partners you may have, in any relationship structure.

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