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Ebony is a monthly magazine that focuses on news, culture, and entertainment. Its target audience is the African-American community, and its coverage includes the lifestyles and accomplishments of influential black people, fashion, beauty, and politics. Ebony magazine was founded in by John H. Johnson , for his Johnson Publishing Company.

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The model previously had 2. Her current Instagram account can be reached using the username onlydominiquechinn where there are K followers. Dominique, a famous Instagram model, has always wanted to be a model since she was a child. Chinn says she wants to be an actress and is working hard to make that a reality.

The Banner of Truth Magazine. Our free digital magazine maker comes with a range of sleek, printable magazine templates so you can start creating without stressing about the layout. May 31, - Creem which is always capitalized in print as CREEM despite the magazine's masthead appearing in lower case letters , "America's Only Rock 'n' Roll Magazine," was a monthly rock 'n' roll publication first published in March by Barry Kramer and founding editor Tony Reay. Yes, that's right: you're about to learn everything you could ever want to know about the world history of men's magazines -- not sports, not fashion, not hunting or fishing or how to build a birdhouse in ten easy steps, but those titillating periodicals embracing the subject.

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