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A Keele Kouple is one where both partners of a lifelong partnership or marriage are both Keele alumni. In , we asked for stories across all the decades and selected seven to post on Facebook, which are the stories with photos below. There were so many other great stories, we decided to publish more here, with a huge thank you to all Keele Kouples who sent in their stories. It's astonishing how often Hawthorns, the Union, Freshers' Week, Keele Hall woods and lakes and the Chapel appear - and how many partnerships were formed within the first year, the first week or even on the first day!

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Keele kouples - Keele University
This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Find out more here. In public attitudes towards homosexuality hit the headlines once again, as a result of the debates surrounding the Marriage Same-Sex Couples Bill, providing a good illustration of the tension between David Cameron's desire to promote socially liberal conservatism on issues such as gay rights and a socially authoritarian, and highly vocal, section of his party Hayton, These debates are not confined to the UK; earlier in , a reported , people marched in Paris to protest against a similar law being enacted there. It is worth reminding ourselves of how much Britain has changed in relation to homosexuality. Before the Sexual Offences Act of , male homosexuality had been illegal.

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Joyce Audrey Botterill 27 April — 3 September , known professionally as Judy Carne , was an English actress best remembered for the phrase "Sock it to me! Carne was born in Northampton , England. Her parents, Harold and Kathy, were greengrocers in Kingsthorpe.

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