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According to Sir Mix-a-Lot, if you don't got buns then his anaconda don't want none. As a woman who definitely does not have "back," this always sort of made me feel left out. While it's been over 20 years since Sir Mix-a-Lot sang those immortal lyrics, the discussion of big butts is still on the table, especially thanks to Kim Kardashian, who, in her own right, has pretty much cornered the market. Or is it just a rumor that got started and everyone followed suit? YourTango asked eight men their thoughts on big butts. Totally anonymously and completely candid, here's what they had to tell us.
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Men: If You Could Not Lie, Tell Us What You Really Think About Big Butts

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From: Jarrell(92 videos) Added: 06.08.2022 Views: 744
Category: Bisexual

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