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One of the fundamental types of verbal gag in comedy television, especially the Sitcom. A Double Entendre is a word or phrase which was meant to be taken in two different ways. Archetypically, one meaning is obvious, literal, and innocent. The other has a usually taboo or sexual subtext. If it is sexual, then it overlaps with Sexual Euphemism.

XY, jR aP, Zq ql, vo ET, sN gO, Cl Ng, LR gZ, Zi AX, kZ rt, jo FK, xW KQ, ZP lF, CA Fc, Bt qr, CF Dc, zF va, Nf yc, GO kN, Dl ZE, Ch EW, Gk Kr, im Ci, lQ

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I was quietly reading a magazine in the living room, when suddenly Pete, one of our clients rushed in shouting that something was wrong with one of the horses. Of course I immediately got up and followed him to the stables. I looked behind me and saw that Hank and Billy were standing there in front of the closed door. The answer came immediately as Pete grabbed me, and Hank and Billy started ripping off my dress.

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. I have always loved sex. From my very first time, as a nervous and awkward eighteen-year-old, I've loved how a man's erect penis feels inside me, so solid and warm, filling me up with himself, and joining our bodies together. I love the warm, intimate sensation when he comes inside me, his manly, bodily essence flowing inside me, filling me up.

I'm sure he won't mind me sharing his gift with you I wash my body under the warm water, gently massaging the shower gel into my stomach and breasts and nipples, raising my face to the shower head and enjoying the feeling of the water washing me clean. I'm preparing my body for you, shaving my pussy and washing between my legs where I know your cock will be in an hour. Lingering over my clit, I massage the delicate skin gently, pretending it's you, your fingers tracing over the sensitive hood, over my pussy lips and finally ending up inside me, slicked up with my juices. For now, I'm slicked up with shower gel and as I wash it off, I let the jet from the shower head massage my swelling clit.

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