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When UK-based photographer Ami Barwell 's mother was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time in , Barwell wanted to raise awareness for breast cancer and photograph mastectomy scars to show that women are just as beautiful without breasts. They are strong, happy and sexy. Barwell's mother has since made a full recovery, and this month, Barwell is teaming up with UK based charity Stand Up to Cancer for Breast Cancer Awareness Month to share her moving photographs. The powerful series shows 14 women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, proudly displaying their mastectomy scars. While Barwell mostly shoots in black and white, the choice was extra powerful for these portraits. She explained that black and white has a depth and tone that is unmatched in color photographs, and she wanted the black and white to portray the battle these women had fought with more sincerity and emotion. I wanted my photographs to be real — gritty, intense
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From: Florentino(79 videos) Added: 07.08.2022 Views: 923
Category: Boobs

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