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A human trafficker who made millions running five brothels has also been found guilty of three sexual assaults. Archer was found guilty of three counts of sexual assault on Monday at Snaresbrook Crown Court after a four-week trial. He had admitted one count of conspiracy to control prostitution for gain, two counts of human trafficking, possession of an identity document with improper intention and one count of concealing criminal property. He also sexually assaulted women while photographing them.
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The FA are set to widen their probe into the scandal rocking the sport as QPR become the latest club to investigate allegations. Queens Park Rangers have insisted they will co-operate fully with a police investigation after being dragged into the child sex abuse scandal that has rocked the game. Today police have announced a special investigation has been launched into the allegations which also involve around 55 amateur and profession football clubs including Carlton Athletic, Manchester City, Southampton and Chelsea. A dedicated team of officers will work with partners and Operation Hydrant, the national co-ordination hub for historic child abuse investigations concerning persons of public prominence. Anyone who has been a victim of sexual abuse, whatever the circumstances, or has any relevant information should contact their local police or the NSPCC.
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Any situation which is made, sometimes for comic effect, sometimes for dramatic effect, to look like another situation — not in the sense that it is mistaken for that other situation by any of the characters, just in the sense that we the audience see the resemblance; the characters do not. Alternatively, it can refer to an ersatz of something more familiar that the audience would immediately recognize in subtext , in order to make it look less Anvilicious , but it doesn't always succeed in fulfilling the latter. The situation doesn't always have to mean anything sexual, however it is the most common use of the trope. This sort of situation can lead to a Mistaken for Index plot if some other character hears it out of context.
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