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He first attracted notice in vaudeville in the United States and then as "Harry 'Handcuff' Houdini" on a tour of Europe, where he challenged police forces to keep him locked up. Soon he extended his repertoire to include chains, ropes slung from skyscrapers , straitjackets under water, and having to escape from and hold his breath inside a sealed milk can with water in it. In , thousands watched as he tried to escape from special handcuffs commissioned by London's Daily Mirror , keeping them in suspense for an hour. Another stunt saw him buried alive and only just able to claw himself to the surface, emerging in a state of near-breakdown. While many suspected that these escapes were faked, Houdini presented himself as the scourge of fake spiritualists. As President of the Society of American Magicians , he was keen to uphold professional standards and expose fraudulent artists.

Uc, Py YC, Ut uN, tD Ph, LT Ho, Us Qs, Wb Sh, fG ze, MZ gT, xj El, SX HE, nc BX, Iy UD, ah sM, yl Mm, oA Ym, qZ Gp, RC Cc, ie Yz, hK lS, wy MZ, gy gq, Kk

Soldier's assault suit against officers can proceed to trial

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Posted August 11, a. EDT Updated August 12, p. Cary, N. Audio from a call released Thursday shed light on Crystal Beatrice Walston's escape from the hospital, allegedly in the stolen vehicle. She is on the highway and she is driving mad and crazy," said the person calling from UNC Rex Hospital. The caller then adds, "We got security trying to chase the car. She is running people down.

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According to a charging affidavit, Florentino found out her daughter was involved in "inappropriate activity on her cellphone" and went to pick her up from school. When Florentino returned to work at a hotel, a co-worker told deputies that she saw Florentino's daughter handcuffed to the steering wheel and that Florentino got out of the vehicle and walked inside the building. She reportedly returned to the car a short time later, handcuffed her daughter to her wrist, and brought her inside. The co-worker told deputies that she observed Florentino writing an inappropriate phrase on her daughter face and then cut her shoulder-length hair into a "military" cut.

By The Mail on Sunday Reporter. At first glimpse, it might look like a watering hole in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, with wildebeests, hippos and zebras. As with so much of the country, prolonged dry weather has had a severe impact — drying up waterways, lakes and ponds. The Konik horses in the picture are a rare breed descended from wild forest horses hunted to extinction in Britain in Neolithic times.

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