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Passing kidney stone jokes

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He has a kidney stone as a keepsake. He had a cameo in "Girl Meets World. And he capped it all with the best memento of all. It wasn't clear if passing the kidney stone or winning the Northern Trust Open was more difficult. Two shots behind with four holes to play, Watson rallied with flawless golf and a pair of birdies over the last three holes to overtake Jason Kokrak and hold off Adam Scott to win at Riviera for the second time in three years and move back to No. All week long, Watson spoke of the importance of making putts at Riviera, and he needed all of them — the footer for par on No. Rory McIlroy defends weightlifting, jokes about Brandel Chamblee.
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See also best jokes rated by other visitors or new jokes. Joke Chuck Norris passed a kidney stone once. That stone is now known as The Death Star. Vote: share joke Joke has
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