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What does harley quinn call the joker

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Warner Bros. Animation Seemingly Confirms Harley Quinn Season 4

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The Suicide Squad’s James Gunn Reacts To Lady Gaga Playing Harley Quinn In Joker 2

The following story contains spoilers for The Batman Part of what makes Matt Reeves' initial take on Batman—in 's The Batman —is that his villains are a bit off main street as far as the history of the franchise goes. In Paul Dano's Zodiac-esque Riddler and John Turturro's smooth take on Carmine Falcone, he has a pair of main villains who compliment each other, acting as different forms of adversary for our main hero—and not getting in each other's way. But this is Batman, after all, and Reeves was going to get his version of the guy we were all thinking of in there, one way or another.
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For over five years, Margot Robbie has been bringing Harley Quinn to live-action, but she soon won't be alone in doing that. As it was confirmed this past week, Lady Gaga is officially set to star in the upcoming Joker sequel with Joaquin Phoenix as his Harley. Check it:. Much like the rest of us, James Gunn is intrigued by the casting and ready to see what the heck the next Joker movie will be like.
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From: Haye(21 videos) Added: 29.07.2022 Views: 446
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