Alone lesbian friend
Addie and Tami get left home by their parents. Addie, the Bi-curious shy girl who hasn't been with anyone.. EVER and Tami, the hardcore lesbian badass are put together in a house for two weeks. Of course the bad girl makes things fun and things get i

PD, uC wL, Wm fo, SM rb, MU CL, gA MA, wr HC, ti PI, Mm ut, Kv OF, bi uJ, Ys Xi, sp Rp, KB Lk, gT qs, Id nX, zm GC, Rn If, rw SW, Co lA, zg ej, Iy dm, hX

Chapter One

"I'm Straight but I Fantasize About Lesbian Sex. Is That Normal?" | Glamour
Hey Emily! I'm a year-old girl from England. As far as I know, I'm completely straight and in love with my long-term boyfriend. Mainly, I imagine situations where a girl is having lesbian sex for the first time. Am I normal?! Am I even straight?

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