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Gainesville facial plastic surgery

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Prosthetics in Facial Reconstruction

Reconstruction of the head and neck can be a challenging undertaking owing to numerous considerations for successful rehabilitation. Although head and neck defects were once considered irretrievably morbid and associated with a poor quality of life, advances in surgical technique has immensely contributed to the well-being of these patients. However, all patients are not suitable surgical candidates and many have sought nonsurgical options for functional and cosmetic restoration. As such, the advent of prostheses has ameliorated those concerns and provided a viable alternative for select patient populations. Prosthetic reconstruction has evolved significantly over the past decade.
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By Atlanta Magazine "Top Doctors ". Our surgeons perform a variety of breast specific procedures, including augmentation, reconstruction, and male gynecomastia. Learn more about surgical options for the body, including liposuction, tummy tuck, and labiaplasty. Click here to learn more about facial procedures such as a rhinoplasty, brow lift, and fat transfer.
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From: Tygokazahn(99 videos) Added: 07.05.2022 Views: 433
Category: Facial

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