Policeman read facial expression
I n the days and weeks following the discovery of Meredith Kercher's body, Italian police found no physical evidence linking Amanda Knox to the murder. But then, they didn't need it: they could tell Knox was guilty just by looking at her. We don't need to rely on other kinds of investigation. Little about Knox's behaviour during that time matched how the investigators imagined a wrongfully accused woman should conduct herself. She appeared too cool and calm, they said — and yet also, it seems, oddly libidinous. One policeman said she "smelled of sex", and investigators were particularly disturbed by a video that first appeared on YouTube, shortly after the investigation began, which showed Knox and Raffaele Sollecito in each other's arms outside the cottage in which Kercher was murdered, as the investigation proceeded inside.

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Policeman read facial expression

Brit cop invented false girlfriend with cancer and faked her death to get time off - Daily Star
Policeman read facial expression. London has as many as a million CCTV cameras. But why capture a crime on video if no one can identify the perpetrator? A predator was stalking London. He would board a crowded bus at rush hour, carrying a Metro newspaper, and sit next to a young woman.

Amanda Knox: What's in a face?
Student officer Harry Sarkar told West Midlands Police his girlfriend had died from cancer in order to get time off but it soon transpired she had never existed and he had actually made her up. A British police officer invented a fake girlfriend, and gave her a terminal cancer diagnosis and false death before asking for time off for her made up funeral, a tribunal heard. Sick student officer Harry Sarkar resigned before he could be held accountable for his lies and sacked for his 'odius' gross misconduct, a chief constable said.

Body language is an important part of any career, but it is particularly valuable in law enforcement. A police officer interacts with a wide array of individuals, so body language impacts his or her interactions with the public. By understanding policing body language and the way citizens interpret certain behaviors, an officer can develop mannerisms and behaviors designed to help with an investigation based on the individual involved.

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