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The Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment EIPA is a tool designed to evaluate the voice-to-sign and sign-to-voice interpreting skills of interpreters who work in the elementary and secondary school classroom setting. The EIPA evaluates the ability to expressively interpret classroom content and discourse and the ability to receptively interpret student or teen sign language. It is not limited to any one sign language or system. Before the early s, the only available methods for evaluating the skills of interpreters were designed to assess skills in individuals who interpreted for adults, not students.
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Whether you are training employees or teaching school-age students, you want them to retain as much of the information you present as possible. Some people are more visual learners and benefit from seeing demonstrations, while others are more audio-centric and learn better with verbal explanations. Video tutorials, whether recorded or live, are important to students because they add another dimension to learning that makes a student's educational experience more effective, helping with retention, explains video training solutions provider Panopto. The videos allow a classroom setting to come to life, offering different perspectives and tools that students might not normally be able to take advantage of in their learning. This improves student engagement, according to Water Bear Learning. Video tutorials can be viewed on computers through websites, using DVDs and online streams, as well as with other mobile devices, such as smartphones. They provide accessibility to those with disabilities who are not able to physically be present in a live classroom.
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Category: Femdom

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