Full length mature movie
B ack in , I was asked to contribute a short piece about British cinema to a book entitled Goodbye Europe. In the era of Brexit, it seems more important than ever to engage with, and feel part of, the rich heritage of European cinema, in all its strange and wonderful manifestations. Nor is it an attempt to create a critical canon that singles out the finest achievements in Euro-cinema. On the contrary, this is a personal selection made by five Observer film writers Simran Hans, Wendy Ide, Guy Lodge, Jonathan Romney and myself highlighting movies that we consider to be important, or affecting, or innovative — films that have struck a chord. Together, they give a flavour of the dazzling breadth of European cinema, offering a tiny snapshot of a vast cinematic landscape.

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Pauline Collins was 47 when she played the role and for many, such generous displays of the middle-aged female form were too much to bear. Thirty-three years later, mature nude scenes are still definitely not part of the mainstream. Now Emma Thompson is having a good go at bettering Shirley, getting her entire kit off at 63 in Good Luck to You, Leo Grande , a film in which she plays a prissy widow who hires a much younger sex worker Daryl McCormack. Thompson looks incredible throughout, but yes there are the saggy post-breastfeeding boobs, the wrinkled, rounded abdomen, the untrimmed pubic hair that lurks between Rubenesque thighs — not the taut, young female body we are so used to seeing on screen. A real, lived-in body, used and flawed and beautiful. Thompson has admitted that in real life she retains more hang-ups than her character ends up with.

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The reign of House Targaryen begins. House of the Dragon , the prequel to Game of Thrones , premieres August To stream and learn more, visit HBO Max.

One of the unusual things about this casting is that Grant is younger than Streep, just as St. Clair Bayfield was younger than Florence Foster Jenkins in real life. But here it's not treated as a scandalous anomaly, which is usually the case in May-December movie romances where the guy is the spring chicken.

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