Funny quirky novels
But what about reading them? Put simply, a genuinely comical book will make you laugh whether you want to or not. Reading funny books is easy, you just need to find the right one for you. Books that make you smile, snort, splutter, cackle, howl, guffaw, chuckle, chortle, roar, bust a gut, snigger, giggle, and have your sides splitting like never before.

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Our readers recommend these mystery novels that are also funny

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Del Rey This is a brilliantly witty sci-fi series following the adventures of Arthur Dent, a hapless Englishman, who is saved seconds before the Earth is demolished from a galactic freeway. Farrar, Straus and Giroux The Sellout challenges the very essence of urban life, the civil rights movement, and racial turmoil in the southern outskirts of Los Angeles. This book bravely dives into the difficult subject of modern-day racism and still manages to be downright hilarious. The story centers around bombardier Yossarian, an inventive hero endlessly scheming new ways to survive the horrible throes of war. While still beautifully poignant, and sometimes serious, this book masters the art of comic relief.

Funny Stories
Roosevelt ordered all Japanese Americans on the West Coast evacuated from their homes and forced into incarceration camps. Twenty-year-old Aki Ito, grieving the loss of her older sister Rose, turns amateur detective on the unfamiliar Chicago streets, where young people seemed to rule. Did beautiful, determined Rose die by suicide, or was it murder? The opinions expressed in reader comments are those of the author only and do not reflect the opinions of The Seattle Times.

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