Having sex in style
Parental guidance required and advised. Please exit if below 18 years of age. Sex gives pleasure and satisfaction! But, it can be hazardous as well. Sex related injuries are common and we are not joking. So, you plan to take your romance to newer heights in the bedroom.

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20 Sex Positions That’ll Get Her Off Every Time

12 Sex Positions For When You're Feeling Lazy AF
Spicy food. Walking laps. But does it even work? Before delving into how intercourse may induce labor, experts want parents-to-be to know that is has not been medically proven that sex or certain positions actually work to make your baby come out. Being on top gives you control over pacing and depth of penetration. Sherry Ross, M.

9 New Sex Positions That Are Really Just Fresh Takes On Your Favorites
We know you want to please your lady and they sure as hell want you to do it, too. And that can get a little, well boring. Believe us: Both you—and she—will know that they work.

Ready to start a family? While the scientific proof behind each best sex position for getting pregnant may be scant or, truth be told, nonexistent , physics is on your side, so why not give them a whirl? For more details on exactly when and how often to have sex to increase your chances of getting pregnant, see our sex ed for baby-making guide. Whatever positions you decide to try, consider lying down for at least 15 minutes afterward.

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